Catherine Austin Fitts has discussed missing trillions in the amounts of $21 T and upwards from there. One audit performed by a qualified financial source reported back to Fitts, telling her that his figures were more along the line of $91 T.
Trying to comprehend the scale of this sort of money is akin to contemplating alternate universes thousands of light-years away. In any event, this information may be construed in a number of ways—so, fear is unhelpful, and historical perspectives must be taken into account. 1850 until now was a period of BANK expansion unparalleled in history. The ponzi was destined to collapse—but not before the owners of BANK and their cronies acquired massive amounts of real estate. The ownership of every major corporation on the planet is also evidence of a brilliant scheme that would plausibly ensure world dominance for the next thousand years…unless….
'It'll wipe out every dollar in the world' - new crash fears as $80 trillion 'goes missing'….
The world faces a staggering financial meltdown with potential losses exceeding the total number of US dollars in circulation.
By Harvey Jones
That’s definitely not good news.