(v.o. ala Rod Serling…)
‘Imagine if you will, a world where many humans behave as somnambulant automatons, the daily grind resembling a treadmill surrounded by TV screens…corporations owned by a small elite, employing the worker bees and providing the monetary units needed to pay for food, clothing, and shelter. Big brother pretends that elections are legitimate as the talking heads on television tell the people who won or lost the most secure election in the history of the modern-day world. And then a crack in the veneer appears. Increasingly, the crack grows larger by the day, by the hour, and finally…by the minute. What happens when seven or eight billion people arise to greet the day and realize that the Emperors stand naked before them—stripped of the illusions of class, wealth, and position in society?
In this next episode of the Twilight Zone we follow Ralph Beancounter throughout a very special day —a day like any other, and yet, a day that is extraordinary. Ralph B. will enter the Twilight Zone.’
Borrowing a witty observation from Dr. Joseph Farrell, “Klaus Von Bloschwab” is Farrell’s newly prescribed moniker for WEF’s Big Daddy. I wholeheartedly agree with the more accurate label for Klaus. I believe most people who are aware of the WEF or have heard Klaus speak are now acquainted with the Schwab brand and its promise of ending humane life on Earth. Now that we can openly suggest this sort of analogy with a James Bond archvillain’s desire to rule the planet, I believe it is also a thrifty decision to label the WEF as, “S.P.E.C.T.R.E.”
The actor plays messenger, and delivers Ian Fleming’s message:
…In Ian Fleming’s definition of the acronym, SPECTRE stands for: 'Special Executive for Terrorism, Revolution, and Espionage'…well?
In VonBloschwab’s vision—the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a time when transhumanism presents the marvelous opportunity to micro-manage all the remaining(after the culling) homo-sap-hybrids as automaton workers and minions to the emperor and imperial AI hub. For many of us, the Fourth Industrial Revolution sounds suspiciously similar to the Fourth Reich. In the WEF endgame—the idea of “emperor” is a quaint and obsolete conceptual term—because the real emperor is an AI digital interface that will be the new God. I might presume that the heart and non-soul of the AI beast will be housed in mega servers in Antarctica, or perhaps located within the moon.
Who’s writing the script anyhow?
I realized sometime during my adult life that Reality is a ‘consensus agreement’—and depending on one’s moral/spiritual compass, the coordinates for living a good life are a matter of free will. Then there’s the notion that we are also in alliance with what Buckminster Fuller called—the “phantom captain.” The Self, or the Soul Self, might be considered as God for some people. In terms of the script that We are now writing for our future, we are being directed to accept AI as the best possible solution for the problems we the people didn’t select on the wheel of fortune. Mostly we may feel as if we inherited some strange world when we arrived here at birth. Who are these odd directors? What is SPECTRE?
I have come to interpret the attributes of ‘control’ as a form of evil—insofar that the mechanisms that regulate or limit free will, personal choice, and accountability, are artificial and suppressive. Suppressive of human growth, and oppressive in terms of the individual’s freedom to choose. Evil is ‘Live’ in reverse—an inversion of authentic life-affirming joy and the innate human desire for experience and the growth that results. Evil exists and evil takes many forms— lies and illusions and deceits are all indicative of evil in our midst.
Life may be defined as a process; whereas, in the message of the SPECTRE group—life is to be micro-managed and humans to be exploited as expendable units of trade, i.e., chattel. The trouble with the elite bloodlines is that they were conditioned and indoctrinated from childhood to believe beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are exceptional. Surrounded by wealth beyond what any plebeian can imagine—these exceptional humans grow up with servants to cater to any whim. As adults, these ‘chosen people’ become tyrants in the manner that they were groomed. We might even take pity upon the poor deluded rich darlings. And yet…we don’t have time to mince words.
Throughout history, the darlings have invoked all sorts of diabolical mischief, and when equipped with armies and weapons, have done a pretty good job of annihilating entire villages and tribes in other nations. Now that modern science and technology may be weaponized, the ruling class has arrived at the moment when they might create even greater havoc—and the entire globe is their playground.
When spoiled children don’t play nicely what must a parent do? In short order, any wise parent would cancel the brat’s allowance, take away the toys, and tell them to stay in their room until further notice.
As we’ve seen—these unruly tyrants take delight in imposing quarantines, jail time, and restricting travel for the un-free humans living on the planet. Essentially— spoiled brats punish the parents because the bratty tyrants have more money, and believe that they are entitled as gods. What’s a parent to do? What would the famous child psychologist, Jean Piaget recommend?
We might start with a brief introduction of Piaget’s legacy:
“Prior to Piaget's theory, children were often thought of simply as mini-adults.
Instead, Piaget suggested that the way children think is fundamentally different from the way that adults think.
Piaget's theory had a tremendous influence on the emergence of developmental psychology as a distinctive subfield within psychology and contributed greatly to the field of education. He is also credited as a pioneer of the constructivist theory, which suggests that people actively construct their knowledge of the world based on the interaction between their ideas and experiences.”
In a 2002 survey of 1,725 American Psychological Society members, Piaget was named the second most influential psychologist of the 20th century.” https://www.verywellmind.com/jean-piaget-biography-1896-1980-2795549
This suggests that we aren’t just dealing with the average child when addressing the psychopathology of the ruling tyrants—we must also consider narcissism as well.
What Is a Narcissist?
VeryWellMind elaborates:
“A narcissist is someone with an inflated image of themselves. A person with this quality often has such an excessive interest in their own image and appearance that they lack consideration or empathy for others.
Someone with narcissism is highly self-centered, to the point where it hurts the people around them. This makes it important to recognize the signs, enabling you to create a plan to better deal with the narcissist in your life.”
Hmmm…I believe we are on the right track here. SPECTRE does look like a narcissist’s dream club.
One tip for dealing with the NPD:
“You aren't to blame for their actions, and you didn't do anything to cause them. You can encourage them to get help, but you are not responsible for supporting them or fixing their mistakes.”
Ok…so now what? As a society, we are not responsible for fixing their mistakes?
How’s this going to work? This detail: “People with NPD can't change their behavior on their own and might not be able to recognize that there is a problem; they need professional help, but they rarely seek it.”
Yes, and…? The blind leading the blind and minions catering to the whims of tyrants sounds like a toxic cocktail.
The article elaborates on tactics:
Establish (and Enforce) Boundaries
“When you are dealing with a narcissist at home or at work, one of the most important things that you can do is to set firm boundaries. Boundaries are the things that you are willing and not willing to accept in a relationship. They are non-negotiable limits that tell others what counts as acceptable and tolerable behavior.
For example, you might make it clear that you won't accept behaviors such as rudeness or name-calling when you are communicating with one another. If they engage in this type of behavior, the conversation will end.
Creating boundaries isn't an effort to change the other person. Instead, these limits clarify that certain behaviors will not be tolerated. Once you set a boundary, it is important to stick with it. If the other person violates it, immediately enact the consequences.
In the example above, immediately end the conversation and walk away as soon as you can. Don't argue or wait for them to respond. Simply end it.
Likewise, don’t make idle threats or create ultimatums that you won’t follow through on. Failing to enforce your boundaries means that the other person won’t take them seriously. If you enact the consequences, however, they'll be more likely to believe you when you tell them you won’t accept a behavior…"
“…It is also important to be aware that setting and maintaining your boundaries is an ongoing process. Remind people what your boundaries are and keep enforcing them.”
Then there’s “Gaslighting”—oh boy—we’ve endured a gaslighting tsunami over the last few years!
For example:
They might deny saying things or suggest that they were just joking and you are being too sensitive. [calling you a conspiracy theorist or a non-expert. RTT]
They might undermine your confidence by suggesting that you don't know what really happened or by accusing you of misinterpreting or overreacting to the situation.
In other cases, they might simply deny the things they have done or said.
“Dealing with gaslighting isn't easy, particularly when it is your word against theirs. One way to cope is to keep records of events by writing them down, keeping paper documents that corroborate your experiences, or enlisting others to witness your conversations with the other person. This is particularly important in the workplace, where a competitive narcissist might accuse you of bad or incompetent behavior to curry favor with coworkers and bosses.”
“When they do try to gaslight you, make it clear that you know what [they] are doing and that you won’t tolerate it—again, creating a boundary.” —end of VeryWellMind excerpts
It’s a most interesting conundrum, isn’t it? The tyrants create prison camps and tell us we’re not free to live as we wish, and yet we have to engage in a form of psychological Kung Fu and erect boundaries, and lay down our own ground rules. Non-compliance, in other words. Just say, NO.
Perhaps a few new political parties may now emerge, along the lines of: FreeThinker Party; Sanity for a Change; Righteous Renegades; Peace Party.
And perhaps it’s also time to consider what our colonial ancestors did when the British Crown imposed a tax on tea. Tea time!
Narcissism article: https://www.verywellmind.com/living-with-a-narcissist-tips-for-how-to-cope-5211902
Darlings and diabolical mischief and spoiled children. These things seem related...somehow. 😉
Also the narcissism. That term gets thrown around a lot these days, but I do believe TRUE narcissism as a personality disorder is becoming more common.