Also... "not-for-profit" doesn't mean that they can't profit, it just means that they can't invest those profits in businesses other than the one they profited from.

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Your point is understood. "Not-for-profit" is still a distinction created within a socio-economic matrix, and the State and Bank still rule the roost. I have worked within three non-profits, as a VP, Founding board member, and VP of the board. In two cases the 501(c)3 status was cancelled by the irs. Did we do anything criminal? No. What was the cause of losing the non profit status? Answer: not fulfilling the requisite number of board meetings for a given period(in one non-profit's case--and the org continued anyhow--with the additional hassles of compensation being taxed with greater scrutiny. Making bills that much harder to pay!); in the second failure--we failed to attract motivated senior board members with vision. In that case-after two years, the effort to empower citizen journalists was DOA, and the lessons learned?--DIY. Except--we humans must form alliances with equally motivated individuals and ALL must do the work--together. Thanks for the comments!

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"philanthropath" ...priceless!! Also, "Noah's Dilemma"! LOLZ

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Gervais's take on his Sunday school version of Noah's ark is entertaining if you haven't seen it yet. He goes through the actual book he received as a child. Re: "Philanthropath"-I cannot take credit for this creative wordplay. This is Margaret Anna Alice's invention--which I have used as often as possible. She expressed the wish that we use the term as often as we can. Here's a link to one of her recent articles: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/against-defeatism-the-apocaloptimist

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